Home Biodiverse Farming Silvo-pasture
Silvopasture systems integrate trees into pasture. There is a great amount of freedom in designing the planting of the trees is silvopasture systems.
The addition of trees into pasture can create an additional income.
On upland grazing, converting from permanent open pasture to silvopasture can be particularly beneficial. The trees can slow the passing of water down the slope, making water more available to both grasses and other plants and supporting greater growth. This can also reduce flood risk, and risk of erosion.
The addition of trees into pasture can create an additional income. Nuts and fruit are often used and the animals manure works to fertilise the tree crops and support greater productivity.
Grazing animals are naturally attracted to trees for shelter from the sun or rain. A silvopasture system mimics the symbiotic relationship between grazing animals and trees as found in nature
A silvopasture system mimics the symbiotic relationship between grazing animals and trees as found in nature.
Biodiversity from Farm Productivity